Reforestation Project
3,110 trees of 10 different species were hand planted in an area of the forest that was once an invasive mess of buckthorn. 2021-2024 We will continue with the restoration of another area of forest that has been taken over by invasive shrubs and plants along Swan Blvd. Watch this area grow with us- as we restore the heavily disturbed sections of forest, turning them back into beautiful and diverse native habitat for wildlife, and for us. |

Aerial Perspectives of Restoration Areas
Coming in 2023 -2024 | Forest Restoration, Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project Continues
Invasive Buckthorn Removal and Tree Planting Projects to occur within the disturbed areas along Swan Blvd and Forest Exploration Drive.
Coming in 2023 -2024 | Forest Restoration, Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project Continues
Invasive Buckthorn Removal and Tree Planting Projects to occur within the disturbed areas along Swan Blvd and Forest Exploration Drive.
We are off to a great start in the forest restoration project area! Did you know that the stand of trees in this video are remnants from when Milwaukee County owned the land? They had a Tree Nursery here ( that can be seen in aerial photographs dating back as early as the 1930’s) that grew and then supplied trees to the parks and green spaces of Milwaukee! We are working to preserve and share the natural and cultural history of this special place with you. Removing the invasive plants is the first step to restoring the area and its story. What a difference already! Stay tuned for the next phases of restoration and reforestation! |
July - August 2021 A fantastic job was done with removal of the invasive mess of buckthorn and teasel! The existing mature trees now have space and sun! There is still a lot of work to be done to prep the ground (not to mention staying on top of any invasive re-sprouts) but we are in it for the long haul… and that means a mature hardwood forest at the end of this rainbow! Won’t you join us? Become a Forest Steward! |